Castle Hill Light HDR

by Kirkodd Photography Of New England
Castle Hill Light HDR
Kirkodd Photography Of New England
Photograph - Fine Art Photography Print
This image was created by combining three exposures to create a single image with High Dynamic Range (HDR).
Castle Hill Light in Newport, RI is a great place to watch the sun set. This historic lighthouse, located on Narragansett Bay, is an active aid to navigation for ships entering the East Passage. This lighthouse was completed in 1890.
January 1st, 2016
Comments (17)

HH Photography of Florida
What a beautiful capture of this historic landmark. Gorgeous sunset view. l/fv/g+

Rene Crystal
What an exceptional HDR of Narragansett Bay and Castle Hill Light. Little Rhodie and all of New England's beauty captured in your photo. Now I can't wait to head on over to Aunt Carrie's! A most definite fav for me.

Betsy Zimmerli
Well captured, Kirkodd Photo. I like the warm & cool contrast of the light and grey areas. f/l

Theresa Campbell
Beautiful photo of a beautiful place! LFPTG and following! -------Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest, and I'll follow back!-- https://www.facebook.com/DAugustArtTheresaCampbell53--- --- https://twitter.com/campbells53--- --- https://plus.google.com/116150721123501477257--- --- https://www.pinterest.com/DAUGUSTART